Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Ringed Shy Blenny (Starksia hassi) complex
Longhorn Blenny (Hypsoblennius exstochilus)
Longhorn Blenny (Hypsoblennius exstochilus)
Longhorn Blenny (Hypsoblennius exstochilus)
Longhorn Blenny (Hypsoblennius exstochilus)
Longhorn Blenny (Hypsoblennius exstochilus)
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei)
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei)
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei)
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei)
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei) - Male
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei) - Male
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei) - Male
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei)
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blenny (Emblemariopsis bottomei)
Redlip Blenny (Ophioblennius macclurei)
Smootheye Shy Blenny (Starksia Springeri) complex
Smootheye Shy Blenny (Starksia Springeri) complex
Smootheye Shy Blenny (Starksia Springeri) complex
Seaweed Blenny (Parablennius marmoreus)
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex
Longfin Blenny (Labrisomus haitiensis)
Sailfin Blenny (Emblemaria pandionis)
Sailfin Blenny (Emblemaria pandionis)
Sailfin Blenny (Emblemaria pandionis) eating shrimp
Sailfin Blenny (Emblemaria pandionis)
Spinyhead Blenny (Acanthemblemaria spinosa)
Spinyhead Blenny (Acanthemblemaria spinosa)
Spinyhead Blenny (Acanthemblemaria spinosa)
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus)
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus)
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus)
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus)
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus)
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus) juvenile
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus) juvenile
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus) juvenile
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus) juvenile
Blackedge Triplefin (Enneanectes atrorus) juvenile
Puffcheek Blenny (Labrisomus bucciferus)
Seaweed Blenny (Parablennius marmoreus)
Seaweed Blenny (Parablennius marmoreus) and Lettuce Sea Slug
Goldline Blenny (Malacoctenus aurolineatus)
Goldline Blenny (Malacoctenus aurolineatus)
Goldline Blenny (Malacoctenus aurolineatus)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Goldline Blenny (Malacoctenus aurolineatus)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Yellowface Pikeblenny (Chaenopsis limbaughi)
Saddled Blenny (Malacoctenus triangulatus)
Twinhorn Blenny (Coralliozetus cardonae)
Orangespotted Blenny (Hypleurochilus springeri)
Orangespotted Blenny (Hypleurochilus springeri)
Orangespotted Blenny (Hypleurochilus springeri)
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex - young
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex
Hairy Blenny (Labrisomus spp) complex
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Medusa Blenny (Acanthemblemaria medusa)
Dusky Blenny (Malacoctenus gilli)
Dusky Blenny (Malacoctenus gilli)
Dusky Blenny (Malacoctenus gilli)
Imitator Blenny (Malacoctenus erdmani)
Imitator Blenny (Malacoctenus erdmani)
Imitator Blenny (Malacoctenus erdmani)
Chessboard Shy Blenny (Starksia sluiteri) complex
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blennies (Emblemariopsis bottomei) on Grooved Brain Coral - settled in for the night.
Southern Smoothhead Glass Blennies (Emblemariopsis bottomei) on Grooved Brain Coral - settled in for the night.